Who is this born in Bethlehem?
On a cold, crisp winter morn,
The one foretold by a prophet,
Of a virgin would be born.

Who is this born in Bethlehem?
Born the King of the Jews,
Whom shepherds came to worship,
And wise men paused to muse.

Who is this born in Bethlehem?
Whom Simeon worshiped with joy,
Lifting his voice up loud and clear,
To praise Mary’s baby Boy.

Who is this born in Bethlehem?
The One true Savior and Lord,
Born of David’s royal line,
By heaven and earth adored.

Who is this born in Bethlehem?
Who deserves all honor and glory,
The author and finisher of our faith,
The perfection of God’s love story.

Who is this born in Bethlehem?
Who has come to make all things new,
The sinless, blameless Lamb of God,
The Word of God faithful and true.

Who is this born in Bethlehem?
To reconcile God and man,
Conqueror of sin and death,
Fulfilling God’s master plan.

Who is this born in Bethlehem?
To usher in lasting shalom,
By crushing the serpent’s cursed head,
And leading His children home.

MT 2021

Mat 2:4  And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.  2:5  So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet:  2:6  ‘BUT YOU, BETHLEHEM, IN THE LAND OF JUDAH, ARE NOT THE LEAST AMONG THE RULERS OF JUDAH; FOR OUT OF YOU SHALL COME A RULER WHO WILL SHEPHERD MY PEOPLE ISRAEL.’ ”